The #HelpForUkraine campaign has received PLN 3,939,510 ($921,254) through the portal, which has divided funds between 60 Polish foundations. It’s the largest initiative in Poland for Ukrainians, who are fighting against the Russian and Belorussian invasions.
Each of the 60 organizations is strongly working in their field of expertise, combining efforts. They provide humanitarian help to the civilians, medicines to hospitals, helmets, night vision devices, bulletproof vests for the military, etc.
“The #HelpForUkraine is the largest campaign in Poland that brings together 60 aid organizations. Together we are able to provide effective assistance, and respond to the current needs of Ukrainians. Those who came to seek refuge in Poland or those who bravely fight for their motherland in Ukraine, literally each social group is covered by our help”, says Mateusz Szymakowski, CEO of the To się uda foundation.
Common support of the Ukrainian hospitals and military forces
When a full-scale war broke out, people came out to defend the land with their bare hands, without special ammunition, and against real weapons! The braveness of Ukrainians empathetically impressed 60 foundations in Poland. So, they decided to raise funds and provide people with necessities. Ultimately, almost all the country felt a lack of basic equipment like hemostatic pills, bandages, and tourniquets. Without a doubt, all these things are necessary to save lives on the battlefield.
For #HelpForUkraine campaign, the number one priority is to support the hospitals. Thus, the To się uda foundation delivered 90 pallets of medical equipment to Ukraine. Additionally, they’ve supported the purchase of first aid kits for soldiers, emergency stretchers, fuel for medical services, and tremendous amounts of basic materials.

The Ukraine Foundation and the Lower Silesia Center of Oncology made it possible to deliver hemostatic gel gauze that was in stock in almost all of Europe. It is vital equipment which contains a gel substance that, when applied, clogs the wound and prevents bleeding out.
However, Ukrainians not only needed medical supplies, but also tactical support. So foundations decided to buy and purchase and transfer fundamental things like GPS navigation, bulletproof vests, helmets, walkie-talkies, sights, boots, and observation equipment.
And that’s not the end! The #HelpForUkraine campaign is working continuously, answering the Ukrainians’ needs in the war.
Helping the most vulnerable refugees
Obviously, not all Ukrainians might take military actions. With a minimum time to collect essentials, elderly, women, and children were evacuated by trains, buses, cars, or by foot. Often living under enemy bullets and bombs, having to encounter dead civilian bodies along the way and aggressive Russian soldiers stopping cars during the escape from the Eastern border to the Western side of Ukraine, and others onwards to Poland.
Terrified because of the unknown future, grateful because their lives were spared, they were met by Polish volunteers at the border. For several weeks during the full-scale war, the Polish-Ukrainian border became a crowded place of hope, support, and assistance. Volunteers gave food and clothes. Some people offered free transport into Poland and abroad. To cover the fuel of the benefactors, the Akeda foundation raised funds and purchased fuel for drivers offering transport to refugees.

Some refugees have nowhere to go and can count on Polish hospitality only. That's why Polish foundations created houses and intervention hotels, so no one has to sleep out in the street. The drama of war doesn’t have to be related to the drama of poverty and homelessness in a foreign land.
Each of us does everything that we can. Numerous organizations have stepped out of their comfort zone to repel injustice. United, we are creating an ocean of aid, which will make Ukraine win this war.
If you want to act and help, here is a link where you can donate for:
For more information, feel free to connect with CEO of the To się uda foundation Mateusz Szymakowski via e-mail
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